The Island Club

The Yerba Buena Island development will provide 260 luxury residences on a lush, 150-acre island in the San Francisco Bay. The Island Club, a central gathering space for community residents, will create space to relax, rejuvenate, and connect through exercise and group activities. The building’s design integrates guest amenities with nature on all levels, lifting the soul and reconnecting users to place.
Wilson Meany
ClientPlant Construction
General ContractorBDE Architecture
Architect of RecordHart Howerton
Landscape ArchitectENGEO
Geotechnical EngineerKPFF
Civil EngineerDCI Engineers
Structural EngineerBay City Mechanical
Mechanical Design BuildMcMillan Electric
Electric Design BuildEgan Plumbing
Plumbing Design BuildKCA Engineers
SurveyorBright Green Strategies
Sustainability ConsultantCross 2 Design Group
Waterproofing ConsultantGabel Energy
Title 24 Consultant